Lavidian Chronicles

Monday, November 12, 2007

In retrospect,

amazing flux and incoherent choices; these are but the only ways to fully explain my decision to stay on in melbourne. Being one of the biggest supporters of this great city, it hurts and pains me to finally sigh and resign myself to the truth that i managed to reject for so very long. sometimes, it tears you up when you realise the truth: especially when it shakes the core of your reality. So, after that 3 days of deliberation, the internal committee (IC) has passed a conditional verdict, with a review scheduled for my turning of 25. In appreciation, the following people are identified to have contributed to this process: VJ, CC, LC, CA, SS, JL, CL. These people, in no particular order have been magnificant in their dealing with the 3 day IC review process.

The main factors contributing to this unanimous committee ruling include in no particular order,
1. Resource Drain
2. Value Shift
3. Incongruent alignment

1. Resource Drain can be attributed to a continual decline in human resources over the last 4 years, with the most recent of the years constituting the greatest impact. With a huge de-migratory shift, the resources i garnered and nurtured over the last 8 years have dried up. Attempts to mine new resources have met with certain barriers: lack of concentration / purity / type / accessibility. Efforts in resource scouting are disproportional to resource acquisition, and the IC has released a order terminating all further resource acquisition projects with immediate effect.

Other resource drains are attributed to the increase of parasitic anomalies. These anomalies disguise themselves as resources, and appear valuable. However, when included into the resource pool, their parasitic nature becomes evident, and a resource leak occurs. In an attempt to seal this leak, a new review process is implemented to ensure resource value before any integration into resource pool occurs. IC rulings also include a parasite extermination order, which serves to maintain the value of the existing resource pool. The IC has also proposed a resource refining scheme to increase the value of existing resources. With this in mind, new ventures would be to increase the resource value of existing resources instead of identifying and harvesting new resources. This is in line with the new IC declaration.

2. Value shift involves a paradigm shift in value order. Due to changing market forces and the current economic shifts in demand/supply, in an attempt to increase competitive edge, the IC has proposed a new value system. Initial focus on 'pursuing happiness' in preference to 'professional development' no longer presents a viable opportunity cost, and the new IC directive will seek more well rounded professional development, in preference to other activities, such as badminton/roller blading/social events, etc. This is in preparation to achieve a superior position for 'Domination 2010'.

'Domination 2010' is still in the initial proposal stage, with the IC estimating a 20 Jan 2008 deadline for official release. This coincides with the 2007 end of year r&r trip, which would serve some perspective. 'Perspective' was one of the themes in Ratatouille, and I agree... perspective is one of the things that many of us do not understand, current perspective determines current values, and discounts prior values. 'Melbourne 2008' has been rescinded following the new proposed 'D2010' plan.

3. Incongruent alignment describes the existing condition of resource pool, mining and refining capacity, and the mismatch between existing resources and existing performance guidelines. There has been a consistent failure to meet production guidelines due to the resource drain described above. The value shift further increases the disparate between actual and required production. IC's recent internal audit and review of business values, systems processes and procedures has resulted in whole scale revamp of decision making variables. Existing coefficients have been modified to reflect a more sustainable rate of resource development, with 'D2010' the finale of the orchestral symphony. It will be exceptionally absolutely fantabulously LEGENDARY.

i AM the ULTIMATE LAVIDIAN; i am back with a VENGEANCE.

*PINK ELEPHANT: i'm living in this vicious world of vicious people, maybe i've become a vicious person myself...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

ladies and gents, cats and dogs... i have an announcement to make.

after recent developments throughout 2008, the committee has deliberated for 3 consecutive days, struggling through sleepless nights and finally reaching the decision that we have shunned for years... I am unable to reveal this decision, but i have happy to reveal to each individual. It is almost amazing, i feel the weight lifted up from my shoulders and i am now happy to announce that the lavidian is back on track. after losing his way in the cacophony of mediocrity... he will only RISE LIKE THE PHOENIX...

hey, humans... the uLavidian is BACK!!!!!!! watch out

Monday, June 18, 2007

i am back again... seeing that my last post was over a month ago... there's a lot of updates.

there have been a couple of road trips - dandenongs, great ocean road, grampians with a series of individuals... great individuals... poker is starting to make an impression on my social scene. I wanna karaoke... there's one organised next sat. certain permutations have caused a vapid fluctuation in normalcy balance, just when i was starting to find the right balance between work and play... i am unable to specify the effector, but there are plans afoot to bring them under control. Spent even more $$ on upgrading my recording studio, had news that T was not returning to melbourne. *just today received news that it could still be a possibility. Furthered expansion of DTFC, passed my two masters modules... blah blah...

Roller blading - a way of life or just a fad? Crystal may be getting her own pair, and i'm trying to expand it. A total lack of inspiration is starting to affect personal productivity. Another chance meeting with a potentially similar individual may spark, and if things do... it will be FIREWORKS.

Not much more to report, i guess... there is one interesting thought... what if... what if... there was a way to ensure a consistently high level of motivation?

Tonight there is a DTFC WGM, and after taht i must try to finalise my 2 month overdue project. Est: 3 hrs of production time...

Monday, May 14, 2007

once again, time drifts by, surely steadily,and unbeknownst to me... i lay there quietly, patiently,waiting for time to pass me by...however, the currents of time spares nothing, no one,and i am dragged from the past to the present,pushed from the present to the future.
go man utd, go Rooney, go Ronaldo! you guys ROX.

just finished a 8km breast cancer run yest... legs feel like melting, will i be able to conquer the half marathon like i did in 2005? perhaps.

i embrace the new challenges that are ahead... with temporal compression and mental rigours required to overcome.

time passes, things happen, events occur, people change... the one statement in 2002 that still holds true... a farce? or simply a facade of life that everybody ignores. to be who you want to be you have to do that which you don't want to. do the means matter less than the ends?

legs are sore from the onslaught of climate, weather, and physical lacking. still, i persevere... and strive... i will not let go... i will not falter. i am... the ultimate lavidian...

events of the last 2, 3, 4 weeks have pushed me into uncharted waters, and as i float like a cork out in the vastnesss of the blue, bobbing up and down, do i allow the currents to drift me to the great unknown? or do i stick my shivering body into the sea, and start swimming... with the knowledge that maybe... just maybe i may find dry land if i keep swimming.

i burst a couple of capilliaries during the run...

ok. back to more non-reflective stories...

i HATE studying. what???? i DETEST it... but i will do it. for the benefits will be pleasurable.
sunday - had the run thingy, then did lunch, then um... f1
saturday - miss saigon... absolutely a darl!
friday - sunbury to visit the old man

those are the highlights as i remember... of course there's the expansion of the lavidian regime, which will perpetuate into the lives of many...

decisions of yesteryears affect present circumstances... however, causality cannot be ignored, and action must be taken with intent.

i am the ultimate lavidian

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

This is sooo important, i just had to make a post today...


For the last week i was on Telfast, an antihistamine with fexofenadine as the active ingredient. Telfast is known as Allegra in the US. The last week, its side effects caused all my chaos. for 8 days, i took one pill a day. By Friday and Saturday I started to feel weird. Sunday and Monday, my systems crashed... dizzy, nausaeus, depressed, and confused, i started wondering whether i need help. Yesterday's report of improved emotional condition was due to me stopping my pill popping on Monday. Since then, my emotions are back to normal.. HURRAH! and i realised that i am NOT in fact sufferign from neo-natal depression or PMS or middle age crisis or whatever not.

So, If I have in fact been behaving strangely, you know now the truth, and the truth will set you free...

i am back to 92% efficiency, which is GREAT news... 'cos i'm back on track!

look out world...
the ultimate lavidian is back!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


After a HUGE wkend the weeek before, i did not realise it, but it toook a CHUNK out of me... system-wide shutdown of most critical systems. Sunday + Monday represented a weird state of regression into a neofetal state. Weird. totally uncalled for, but life is such... coupled with a sudden detractment from reality, the subsequence consequence was a withdrawal. Withdrawal from life. however, my inbuilt anti-depression routines kicked in, and i embarked on a recovery process. although i have yet to ascertain the cause of this sudden mental psychosis, i believe it is directly correlated to the recent progression of events.

Event 1: failure to complete the rollerblading move to saturday.Event 2: sudden fragmentation of internal goal-driven processes.Event 3: a paradox loop that has brought internal processing to a dead halt.Event 4: collapse in social planning subsystems - need a rehaul.

The abovementioned 4 events were the primary causes of the system-wide shutdown. Since then, i've recovered to 48%, which is still relatively low compared to the pre-weekend high of 89%.

Umm.. update on past wk... let's see... badminton as usual on weds, friday i received an SOS from Saz to help her move, so we did that, wif red and Winnie... sat, had brekky wif Chloe, then groceries then picnic with the gang. The old gang with new members... i miss them... SOOO much... they are so sweet... to the extent of putting up with my ideosyncracies. hmm... oh well.. c'est la vie. after picnic, crashed their cell, then went to dinner at sofia's then um... hung out at carlton gardens wif Wes, Sarah and Sandy. Then i crashed. taht night... totally blew out.sunday - felt the extent of the shutdown... rested... then at night watched F1 Bahrain wif the sister... taht was swell. Monday - parma night, and discussions of exporting the DTFC to sydney.

then... crashed again.

today systems are up to 49% from a last night low of 23%.

Yes. I am on a rapid recovery. All things considered. i can expect a potential 69 to 75% by tonight.

i am the ultimate lavidian

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

it's been 8ish days since the last entry... it's been lavidian! truly lavidian... almost...

so here goes... last tues was sorta uneventful, weds was also sorta uneventful, save for a sudden growth spurt in badminton attendence... will need formal structure soon. thurs blading was cancelled due to a lack of interest (although with recent developments and the return of a particular someone - Cynth... things could get slightly more shaken). Friday - went to the Ebz churchy thingy... got lost trying to get Alex and Peter... Totally got lost in blackburn area... but made it there in one piece. was an intriguing time (according to another particiular somebody... intriguing means absolutely nothing to a reader, but still it was truly intriguing). After which, went up to the nearby Dandenong mountains wif Chloe. Went to a nearby trek beside skyhigh, walked till there was no more sunlight... though i must admit the moonlight did play nicely against the foliage... due to a stint of stupidity i only had my shades, and left my spectacles in the car... so i was partially blind towards the end of it...

An average Friday was crowned by an abso-spectacular Saturday - mornington. a random gathering of individuals - Joker, Chloe, Princess + the Ultimate Lavidian... the killer ride = the best road trip ever. despite an obvious innocuous exhaustion, i drove the trip... down to rye to see the sand sculptures... then to Artur's maze (dun remember the real name) - joker had discount coupons, so that was swell too!! i remember eating fish and chips on a bbq set at rye... feeling the sun on my skin, the breeze in my hair, and the salt on my lips... c'est la vie, mon cher, c'est la vie ques tres lavidas... ultimate lavidian.

night ended with dinner at some nice jap restaurant on smith street (i also dunno the name... maybe i should work on increasing my memory power???). Highlighted by Joker, Chloe, Vincent, Cynth. Cynth in particular... her long-awaited return to the high-lavidian game... she's back... ladies and gents... BOO! well... it's nice to have her finally back in my life... although we'll see how long this will last... with the inherent tendency towards dysfunction and disdain, the ultimate lavidian will need a personality tweak... i'm calling this the great uphill trudge for absolution and obvious reasons.

hmm... sunday, did church, then went back to sunbury... the start of my SNOOZE-fest... yes. this easter was also perpetuated with a snooze fest... almost 20 hrs of total snooze over 48 hours... and a fully recharged lavidian is ready to take on the world again!!! let's hope this will last until Anzac day, when another large scale outing is on the books. this time... Daylesford.

monday went wif dad and his sunbury mates to Bendigo to view the easter monday parade and the brilliance of the 300-feet dragon... was rather spectacular to see the strong chinese history in a country town such as bendigo... i'll not go into detail.. but after this experience... Easter monday 2008 trip to bendigo anybody??? haha...

ok. i need to get back to my boring life....

WORK WORK (spoken like the orc peons in Warcraft3)...

i am the ultimate lavidian